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We are delighted you've chosen 正规博彩十大网站排名学院!

我们认识到,离开家人和朋友去另一个国家学习需要勇气. 你决定去美国留学.S. 阿格尼斯·斯科特是非常值得赞扬的! We look forward to meeting you in the fall. 在那之前, 使用以下章节中的信息为你的新家之旅做好准备!

请注意,虽然我们努力保持在我们的网站上发现的所有信息当前和最新的, we strongly recommend and encourage students to visit government sites for the most recent updates to any immigration rules. For additional information or specific questions please contact the 全球学习中心

国际苏格兰人抵达日: 2023年8月14日星期一

国际学生简介: Tuesday, August 15 to Thursday, August 17, 2023

遗产-新生导向: Friday, August 18 to Monday, August 21, 2023 

During International Scottie Orientation (ISO), you will have an opportunity to hear important information about academics, 住房, 餐, 保健服务和移民. 迎新会也将给学生们熟悉校园和认识其他国际学生的机会. 定位后, international students will join their 2027 classmates for the general orientation.



  • 护照
  • 移民文件
  • Birth certificate (and/or certified copies)
  • 财政支持文件
  • Letter of admission from 正规博彩十大网站排名学院, as well as any correspondence regarding scholarships or financial aid given to you
  • 现金/借记卡/信用卡
  • 你可能需要的任何药物都要装在原来的处方瓶里(最好足够你用两个月)。
  • ASC入口健康记录
  • 过敏清单
  • Important phone numbers and contact information
    • 全球学习中心+1 404.471.5380
    • 正规博彩十大网站排名学院’s 24-hour Public Safety +1 404.471.6355
  • Enough clothing and toiletries for a few days in case your luggage is delayed 
  • 电子产品, 比如笔记本电脑, 注意:检查你所携带的所有电子产品的电压要求. 美国使用的电压是110V,所以请确保你的设备与之兼容.)
  • 请查看详细的列表 带什么去大学 在宿舍生活办公室的网站上.


Bring a few items representative of your home country or nationality. For example, music, national dress, instruments crafts or other traditional materials. 你和你的同学将有机会与校园社区分享你们的文化和习俗. 带上你祖国的照片, 家乡, 你的家人和其他地方, 你爱的人和事. Many people will ask you about your home country and will want to see the pictures. These pictures might help you describe your family and friends to new friends, and they will provide comfort and encouragement when you're homesick.


目的地: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. (ATL)

Address: 600 North Terminal Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30320


买了机票之后, 请填写旅行和抵达表,我们将把它寄给您.edu的电子邮件. 您还需要上传您的航班信息的详细行程,包括出发航班名称, 航班号和转机航班,以及出发和到达每个城市的时间,这是您到亚特兰大旅程的一部分. 如果您需要从机场到校园的交通工具,您可以在旅行和抵达表上注明. 然而, we cannot guarantee transportation unless you fill out and submit that form.



If you are arriving early, please click here for a map and 校园路线.

 Other forms of transportation to campus

  • 出租车
  • 超级 (提前下载应用)
  • Lyft (提前下载应用)
  • 火车: 玛尔塔 (最便宜):
    • Get on the Marta train (GOLD) Northbound to Doraville Station.
    • 扣分5分.
    • Get on BLUE train going eastbound to Indian Creek Station/Decatur.
    • 从迪凯特中转站下车.
    • 上楼去.
    • 右转,一直往下走 .5英里). 你会看到一条小隧道,穿过它,正规博彩十大网站排名就在街对面.

作为一名国际学生,你需要在美国期间保持你的移民身份. 未能维持其F-1身份的条款和条件可能会被终止并立即返回您的祖国.

When you sign your I-20 or DS-2019 (for exchange students), 您同意遵守您进入美国的条款和条件. It is your responsibility to maintain your 移民身份. It is also your responsibility to know and comply with the U.S. immigration regulations that affect you. For any questions or concerns please contact your immigration advisor immediately.

To avoid getting into any legal problems, make sure you consult with the international student adviser before:

  • 降低课程负担 
  • 从大学退学
  • Changing your major or program of studies from what is listed on your I-20
  • 我正打算休假呢 
  • Your I-20 or DS-2019 expires prior to you completing your degree objective (i.e. 程序)
  • Traveling outside of the United States (even for a short period)
  • 寻找校外工作
  • 转学
  • 更改您的签证类别或美国签证.S. 移民身份

Always, check with your immigration advisor for all immigration-related information. Please do not ask friends, relatives or fellow classmates for assistance. 记住,每个人的情况都是独一无二的,可能和你的不一样. When in doubt, email us right away to ask questions.

Employment as an F-1 International Student

During your four years at ASC, you qualify for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). After graduation, you may qualify for Optional Practical Training (OPT). 如果你正在寻找校外工作,无论是在你的四年或毕业后, you must get approval before accepting any offers.



CPT在8 CFR 214中定义.2(f)(10)(i) as an “alternative work/study, 实习, 合作教育, 或由赞助雇主通过与学校的合作协议提供的任何其他类型的必要实习或实习”,并且可能被授权进行培训,这是“既定课程的重要组成部分”.”






If your program does not have a required 实习 or practicum, 如果学术上推荐你参加实践培训,以加强和补充你的课堂学习,你可能有资格参加CPT. 学术推荐实习由实习和职业发展办公室批准. These approved 实习s have associated academic credit, 哪一个可以在实习课上完成,或者有时与教师进行一对一的有监督的实习.

CPT can be done during fall, spring or summer semesters. 可能是兼职,也可能是全职.


  • Time accrued does not affect Optional Practical
  • 每周20小时或更少
  • Students may choose to continue working on-campus up to 20 hours per week.


  • 每周最多工作21- 40小时
  • 在同一学术水平上接受365天或以上全日制CPT的学生没有资格参加选择性实践培训(OPT)。. 
  • Students may not work on-campus while on full-time CPT.


If you are pursuing CPT-approved 实习s, you must be enrolled for academic credit. 另外, if you are pursuing CPT in the fall or spring semesters, you must maintain full-time enrollment while on CPT. 如果你在夏季学期攻读CPT,但没有在夏季学期毕业, you are only required to enroll in the 实习 course. 然而, if you are pursuing CPT over the summer and plan to graduate that same summer semester, you'll be required to maintain full-time enrollment.

If you are interested in applying for employment off-campus, 你需要在他们开始工作之前联系你的移民顾问以获得授权.


选择性实习培训(OPT)是一项临时就业福利,适用于一直保持移民身份的F-1学生. 它的目的是让学生有机会在校外工作,并在与学生学习课程直接相关的领域获得工作经验. 每个学位级别的就业总共限制为12个月,并可能在完成学业后授予. Eligibility for OPT must first be determined by your immigration Advisor. 如果符合条件, OPT之后会在学生的I-20表格上背书,并作为申请包的一部分发送到指定的美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)办公室进行裁决. Please contact your immigration advisor for more information about the process of OPT.


Students must be in valid F-1 status at the time of the application. 在申请之前,学生必须在全日制基础上注册一个学年.

Students are eligible for one year of OPT per higher level. This means you may apply for one year of OPT for the bachelor’s level, 硕士水平一年, 博士阶段是一年. Students may apply up to 90 days prior to graduation. The application must be received by USCIS no later than 60 days after graduation.

申请OPT, 请联系您的移民顾问,您将收到有关如何申请和如何完成申请的说明.


STEM选修实践训练(OPT), 也被称为“STEM扩展”,” is a 24-month extension of Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT). STEM延期适用于目前正在完成后OPT的F-1学生, have earned a qualifying degree in the fields of science, 技术, 工程, or mathematics (STEM) whose employment meets additional requirements.
